eChinese PreAP Class is designed with six units covering six AP themes: Families in Different Societies; the Influence of Language and Culture on Identity; the Influence of Beauty and Art; How Science and Technology Affect Our Lives; Factors That Impact the Quality of Life; and Environmental, Political, and Societal Challenges. We have adopted Grant Wiggins’s “Understanding by Design” curriculum design theory and integrated Dr. Robert Marzano’s “Highly Engaged Classroom” activities into our teaching pedagogy.

eChinese PreAP Class provides teachers with lesson plans, authentic teaching materials with PowerPoint presentations, exercises, and assessment sheets. It provides students with fun games and real-world projects as their summative assessments to help students gain real language application skills in a simulated situation. Students can practice Chinese in three modes: Interpretive, Interpersonal and Presentational. In addition, students can develop their language skills in the ACTFL five goal areas: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities.

· 中文大学预科预备课程,由在美国教授多年的AP和PreAP的老师们,根据AP六大主题编写,精心设计与编写的,一共六个单元。每个单元的课文以历年AP真题考试中,在阅读和听力中出现的应用文文体,比如对话、笔友信、电子邮件、广告、故事、指示、文章、演讲等文本编写。生词和语法参考HSK4 的水平,练习参照AP考试题型出题。考试评估以project为主,侧重于interpersonal 和 presentational tasks,比如场景角色对话,制作微电影,课堂演讲、 答辩,影评和书评等。每个单元都有设计好的高参与度教学活动,学生在准备AP考试的同时也有效地学习中国文化,在日常生活中逐渐提高中文的听、说、读、写能力。 · 中文大学预科预备课程平台,包括数码多媒体教材、辅助教学资源与教学应用工具,以及教学与作业管理系统,满足老师的线上教学、学生课后复习与自主学习需要。老师可通过平台完成线上教学工作,或发布作业或学习任务给学生,在线查看学生学习记录,了解学生学习及作业完成情况。学生在线完成老师发布的作业或学习任务,并在线提交给老师。