eChinese Teacher’s Paradise provides instructional materials that are systematically organized and aligned with the Chinese language proficiency levels of the ACTFL standards and/or target AP and IB exam course outlines. The materials cover the entire scope and sequence of these standards and include text, digital and various multi-media resources. eChinese instructional materials include K-5 Chinese Immersion Program, International Baccalaureate Mandarin B, PreAP & AP Chinese Language and Culture, and Essential Chinese. The instructional materials provide teachers with multiple levels of resources that can be tailored to meet individual students’ needs. Each lesson has several digital resources such as animated text, introduction of Chinese characters and words, comprehension questions, a set of practice exercises, and content-based enrichment reading. Materials involve all four modalities of language (listening speaking, reading and writing). More importantly, authentic materials and Chinese culture are embedded into daily lessons. Lessons are fully interactive between instructors and learners, which provides the most effective instructional success for teaching and learning the Chinese language.
教师天地为老师提供一个高效的教学平台,系列课程教材和教学资源经过系统编写,符合ACTFL 标准,满足AP 和IB 考试目标、课程大纲的汉语水平要求。易·中文教材体系中文学习的各个阶段的学习需要,内容丰富,题材多样,包括了文本、数码和各种多媒体资源。eChinese教学材料包括K-5中文浸入式课程、IB国际文凭汉语考试课程、PreAP和AP大学预科中文与文化课程,以及易·中文基础汉语课程。 · 中文教学内容为教师提供可以根据个别学生的需要,进行定制的多层次的教学资源。每节课包括课文、故事动画、生字和生词讲解、理解问答,配套练习题,以及根据课文内容编写的阅读材料等多种网上辅助教学资源,包括了听、说、读、写,四大语文学习与应用教学需要。课程中融合了真实生活素材和中国文化元素,让教师在教学过程中与学生充分互动,使老师的教学更轻松、高效,达到最佳的教学效果。