The Highlights of the Curriculum:

Daily instruction and scaffolding to help learners develop an appreciation of Chinese culture and literacy skills. Worksheets and assessments modeled after the STAMP, YCT, and HSK formats to better prepare learners for these standardized tests. Interactive social science reading to increase learner’s awareness of the real world and to gradually build up their nonfiction reading skills. A variety of learning activities and texts to allow teachers to implement differentiation and learners to reach their learning potentials. Vivid animations and games to make core texts, word learning, and social science reading more attractive and interesting.
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易 · 中文 k-5沉浸式中文教材主要特点

每个单元根据主题编写内容。同时,按照二语习得理论设计听说读写练习,让学生在全面练习与训练中学习,强化语文应用技能。 每个单元融入语言操练、语文技能、社科阅读、文化和生活联系等教学元素,既方便老师们授课,也方便学生全方位学习中文、理解文化背景。 每个单元的练习与测试以STAMP、YCT和HSK标准化考试题型为标准,使学生循序渐进,适应和培养在标准化考试中考取高分的能力。 文本除了提供拼音,还配有动画和配音朗读辅助。既方便老师多媒体有声辅助教学需要,也更好协助初学者或程度较低的学生有效学习,有助提高学生听、说能力,培养语感,达到事半功倍的学习效果。 全套教材融合寓教于乐,因材施教的教学理念,多媒体、数码互动、目标驱动游戏元素,提高学生的学习兴趣与动力,提高自主学习的积极性。